Episode 188: Vulnerability in Marriage and Parenting with Dave and Ann Wilson

It is a true gift every time our lives get to intersect with the delight that are Dave and Ann Wilson. We’ve had the privilege of being on their podcast through Family Life Today several times, but FINALLY got to have them on ours AND bring them to the Daystar house!

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Episode 187: Parenting and Grandparenting with Love and Laughter with Anne Lamott

If you’re unfamiliar with Anne Lamott, buckle up—she is one feisty, wise, brilliant, spitfire of a human being. She might be a new (a little out of the box) voice for you, but she’s one we value deeply for the grace and humanity she brings to this world.

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Episode 186: Parenting in a Digital Age and the Importance of Foster Care with Dr. Darren and Brandy Whitehead

How many of you are nervous about teens and screens this summer? Well, we have we got the podcast for you! We’re so grateful for the wisdom and leadership of Dr. Darren and Brandy Whitehead, from Church of the City, in our community!

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Episode 184: Old School Parenting in a Tech World with Ben and Erin Napier

So many of you are already fans of the amazing Ben and Erin Napier, @scotsman.co and @erinapier. Their show, Home Town with all of its spinoffs, their passion for revitalizing small-towns, their store, Laurel Mercantile Co, his work with Scotsman Co…they are doing so many amazing things.

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Episode 181: The Benefits of Camp and the Upside of Being Homesick with Glenn and Carter Breazeale

On this week’s episode, we have our friends Glenn and Carter Breazeale, the owners and directors of Alpine Camp for Boys —of which we’re big fans, by the way. They talk about not only the importance of camp but how to help prepare your kids for camp this summer.

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Episode 179: The Legacy of Prayer & Faith on Family with Helen & Luke Smallbone

Have you gotten your tickets for the Unsung Hero movie yet?! If not, you certainly will after listening in on this rich conversation with Luke Smallbone of for King & Country and his mom, Helen Smallbone. We have never had a mother and son on together and it was every bit as inspiring as you would imagine from these two.

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Episode 178: Being a Grace-Filled Grandma with Karen Stubbs

This week, we interview our friend Karen Stubbs from Birds on a Wire who is sharing all the great content on being a Grace-Filled Grandmother. This conversation is rich with so much wisdom and insight that will not only benefit your kids, but your relationship with their grandparents, as well!

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Episode 175: How Purpose Brings Confidence in Kids with Shane, Alyson, Emily, and Courtney Roach

We’re so excited for you to listen in on this conversation with a delightful part of SIssy’s family, Shane, Alyson, Emily and Courtney Roach! They wisely talk about the importance of purpose and family and how all of those things can come together in life-giving ways for everyone.

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Episode 173: The Young Adult Years - Stage 5—Who They Are

We are talking about Stage 5, college-age and young adult children, which we have NEVER talked about on a podcast or in our parenting classes. So, you parents of big kiddos, listen in because we’re so excited to talk about what we can do to love and launch these young adults in our lives.

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Episode 171: Parenting Young Adults and the very Best Thing to Say to a Teenager with Kelly Corrigan

This week on the podcast—y’all—we have one of the people who has been at the top of our hopes list for YEARS. Maybe even a decade. If you’re not familiar with Kelly Corrigan’s work, please buy one—or all—of her books right now! Tell Me More, Glitter and Glue, The Middle Place, Lift, and a children’s book called Hello World.

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Episode 170: Parenting Through Infertility, Loss and Adolescence

What a tremendous honor it is to introduce you to two people we love and respect dearly, Kendra and John Allen. Kendra and John are two of the wisest, most thoughtful people and parents we know, who also happen to both be therapists. We’re so grateful to share with you this important conversation about infertility, loss, adolescence, and all of the things in between.

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