Posts tagged Parenting Teens
Ep 232: How Parents Can Support Young Adults with Mary Spencer Veazey

The twenties are a notoriously tough time of loneliness and confusion about relationships, job choices and LIFE! Our friend and co-worker has written a fabulous book called Cul-de-sac Crossroads: Navigating Life’s Twists and Turns in Your Twenties with Courageous Clarity.

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Episode 188: Vulnerability in Marriage and Parenting with Dave and Ann Wilson

It is a true gift every time our lives get to intersect with the delight that are Dave and Ann Wilson. We’ve had the privilege of being on their podcast through Family Life Today several times, but FINALLY got to have them on ours AND bring them to the Daystar house!

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Episode 187: Parenting and Grandparenting with Love and Laughter with Anne Lamott

If you’re unfamiliar with Anne Lamott, buckle up—she is one feisty, wise, brilliant, spitfire of a human being. She might be a new (a little out of the box) voice for you, but she’s one we value deeply for the grace and humanity she brings to this world.

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Episode 186: Parenting in a Digital Age and the Importance of Foster Care with Dr. Darren and Brandy Whitehead

How many of you are nervous about teens and screens this summer? Well, we have we got the podcast for you! We’re so grateful for the wisdom and leadership of Dr. Darren and Brandy Whitehead, from Church of the City, in our community!

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Episode 160: Parenting Teenagers and Beyond with Kristen Hatton

Our friend, Kristen Hatton has released a great book called Parenting Ahead: Preparing Now for the Teen Years. Kristen helps parents of young children lay the groundwork so that having honest conversations, setting reasonable limits, and exploring issues of the heart becomes a part of the family culture, preparing both them and their kids for the next stage. 

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